The wreck on our nation’s image by the incidences of insurgency has caused catastrophic effects and depleted interests in entrepreneurship and investments into the nation’s economy. An insurgency engulfed nation is infested with political disorder, economic disorientation, social vices, infrastructural decay, cultural and value decadence. The primary objective of this study is to explore the relationship between nation branding and entrepreneurial activities, and to determine the relationship between insurgency and entrepreneurial activities. This paper adopted frustration-aggression theory and structural violence theory to explain insurgency. It  argues that the nation needs effective marketing and rebranding to orientate the citizenry and international body, to correct the stigma placed by the activities of insurgents. The paper relied on existing literatures, periodicals, and articles to gather information. The study opines that the roles of professional marketing and public relation firms are necessary to shore up the battered images posed by the marauding effects of the insurgencies. The findings revealed numerous lapses on the part of government which precipitate the insurgencies that brought about untold consequences on the nation’s economy. The paper recommends that the nation should adopt a proactive approach in solving the issues by engaging the service of professional marketing and public relation firms while taking lasting corrective measures to stem the tide of insurgency. Â