This study examined employment status, pay and perceived performance of workers in selected foreign-owned manufacturing industries in south-west Nigeria. Adams Stacy Equity theory was used to give theoretical explanation(s) to the issues of interest. As a descriptive study, it adopted cross-sectional research design. Data was gathered using questionnaire and in-depth interview guide and was analysed through quantitative and qualitative methods respectively. The study revealed that aside the mode of recruiting casual and permanent staffs is similar; the former remuneration was against the Nigerian minimum wage. This outright disobedience prevailed mostly in Indian and Chinese owned industries, as British employers have better remuneration for casual workers. The study also discovered that there is a positive significant relationship between employment status, pay and workers performance. The study then concludes that workers dignity has come under attack by foreign industrialists despite local and international norms. The study recommends that all foreign employers must regularise the status of casual workers within an agreed time frame or as spelled out by the Nigerian Labour Act as it is a crucial ingredient for workers performance on the job. Casual workers are to acquire more education as it might determine the regularization of their employment and the pay that would accrue to them. Lastly, government and other policy makers should ensure that labour laws are carefully implemented and evaluated to protect, casual workers from the exploitation of foreign employers.