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This study investigates the effect of corporate marketing strategy in the attainment of competitive advantage in Nigeria money deposit banks. Descriptive research design was used. Purposive sampling technique was adopted to select six (6) banks out of twenty (21) deposit money banks currently in Nigeria. Similarly, ten (10) financial experts (i.e. senior and junior staff) were quotally allocated to each bank thus a total number of 60 questionnaires were administered to the targeted respondents on the ground that they are considered to be of interest to this study. Using correlation (r) inferential statistics as analytical tool, the result of the first hypothesis showed that there is a significant positive relationship between marketing strategies of Nigeria money deposit banks in attaining competitive advantage. The finding also revealed from the second hypothesis that there was statistical significant relationship between corporate marketing strategy and customers’ loyalty. Based on this finding, we recommended that financial institutions must assess the rate of success and or failure of marketing strategies to be adopted for better competitive advantage.
 Keywords: Corporate Marketing Strategies, Competitive Advantage, Deposit Money Banks, Banks’ Share, Customer Loyalty.