The Niger Delta region constitutes a sizeable population of such states as
Bayelsa, Delta, Ondo, Rivers, Edo and the Cross Rivers states respectively. This is where the
bulk of the nation’s oil wealth is derived. In spite of this, the region has had to deal with a long
period of environmental degradation, military attacks and intimidations, extortions by the
multinational oil companies aided by the state apparatus. All these led to the Kaiama
Declaration of December 11, 1998 where the youth of the area sought for a full and total control
of the proceeds of the resources from the region. This degenerated into an open conflict between
the youth and the federal government resulting in mass killings, maiming, destruction of
properties and dehumanization of an unimaginable proportion. This paper examines the
political, economic, environmental and other issues arising form the oil exploratory activities of
the multinational companies and the attendant restiveness of the youth in the region and suggests
possible and enduring solution to the crisis.