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The paucity of information on the marketed wood products has contributed to poor planning and development of wood industry in Nigeria. The study was generally aimed at assessing the performance of wooden furniture industry in Jos metropolis. Specifically, the study assessed wood species mostly used for wooden furniture making and assessed the profitability of wooden furniture in Jos metropolis, and identifies challenges of wood furniture makers in Jos metropolis in Plateau State. The study adopted a survey design while cluster sampling was applied to draw the study sample from the five Local Government areas (LGAs) that comprised Jos metropolis. Applying 30% sampling intensity, 129 respondents were selected from total number of 421 furniture makers. Data was collected using semi-structured interview. Descriptive statistics and budgeting tools were used in the analysis of the data. The result showed that all the furniture makers were males, while their qualifications ranged between primary (78.1%) secondary (19.3%) and tertiary institution (2.6%). The study also revealed that ten wood species were used in furniture making in the study area. Milicia excelsa ranked first, followed by Tectona grandis, Pterocarpus erinaceous while Prosopis africana and Anageissus leiocarpa were the least ranked, (ninth and tenth), respectively. The budgetary analysis indicated profitability in the industry by furniture makers. It revealed a gross margin of ₦38,409.1 and Net income of ₦6,247.84 while Gross ratio (GR) and Rate of return on investment (RORI) were 0.75 and 4.2 respectively. The study revealed that limited wood supply was the biggest challenge while government interference was the least challenge that affected the industry. The Study thus recommends for deliberate efforts by the private sector and government towards regeneration and tree planting of the species used by the industry. Hence, investment in the resource base will ensure sustainable supply of raw materials for the continued existence of the furniture industry and its contribution to economic growth and development.