Understanding employees, their behaviour and their influence on an organization are one of the most significant challenges facing organizations more than ever in today’s complex and dynamic environment. It is, therefore, pertinent to examine labour innovativeness and organizational productivity. This study adopted descriptive survey research. The population of the study was 460 employees of Lubcon Nigeria Limited, and Guilford and Flruchter (1973) formula used to determine the sample size of 216. The study employed a primary source of data collection, and the respondents were staff of various departments of the company. The hypothesis was analyzed through regression analysis to test the formulated hypotheses. The findings reveal that (R=0.934, R2=0.871, (0.000) <0.5). This implies that the model fitted by explained 93.4% of the variability in organizational productivity. The study concludes that employees’ innovativeness has a positive and significant impact on organization performance. Therefore, the study recommends that there should be a favourable environment where employees are allowed to be innovative and contribute to their ideas to achieve higher organizational productivity.