Automatic Teller Machines (ATMs) are becoming prominent in banking
operations in Nigeria, with many banks adopting this technology in order to provide the
growing population of customers with fast, accessible, reliable and quality services.
The study investigates dimensions of ATM service quality and its effect on customer
satisfaction. Questionnaire was developed and used to collect information from the
study sample. The structured questionnaire was administered to three hundred and fifty
(350) respondents of which three hundred and three (303) were found usable, giving
87% response rate. Data collected were analyzed using SPSS 20.5. Regression results
indicate that convenience, efficient operation, security and privacy, reliability and
responsiveness are significant dimensions of ATM service quality and that ATM service
quality has a significant positive relationship with customer satisfaction. Findings from
this study are relevant in improving ATM service quality by banks’ management to
stimulate broad-based customers’ satisfaction. It is therefore recommended that banks
need to constantly up-date and differentiate their ATM service quality dimensions to
ensure continuous satisfaction and retention of customers.