There has been growing financial investment interest in infrastructural facilities
despite the security and economic situation in Nigeria. However some cities are growing
faster than others. The current paper attempts to assess the impact of infrastructural
facilities on residential property growth in Ota, Ogun State with a view to having a
deeper knowledge of residential property development growth in the study area. To attain
this, questionnaires were distributed to registered estate surveying and valuation firms in
Ogun State. Also, personal in-depth interviews were conducted. Questionnaires were also
administered to 89 randomly selected clients of the estate surveying and valuation firms‟
management portfolio in the study area with a 74% retrieval rate. Data gathered were
analysed using frequency distribution tables and component bar charts. The study showed
that the provisions of infrastructure like industries, educational institutions and roads
were major contributors to property growth in the study area. The study recommends that
the State government needs to monitor the proper maintenance of the provided facilities
and invest more on infrastructure in the years ahead.
Keywords: Property growth, infrastructural facilities, land acquisition, Ota.