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CJPLS: VOL. 12, NO. 1, JUNE 2024


May 16, 2024


This study aimed to determine the bio-stimulation potentials of cow dung on the spent engine oil-polluted soil using Panicum maximum. The cow dung levels were constant in the amount of soil needed, while the spent engine oil varied from 1 % to 3 % and 5 %. By 12 weeks, the plants were harvested. Initial heavy metal properties of soil, cow dung and spent engine oil were analyzed for heavy metal. Growth parameters data were collected and subjected to descriptive statistics to obtain the means and standard deviations. Analysis of variance was used to compare the differences in the heavy metal properties of soil, cow dung, and spent engine oil, as well as the means of growth data and laboratory analysis. The result showed that the heavy metals in soil, cow dung and crude oil varied significantly (P<0.05). The growth parameters studied generally varied considerably (P<0.05), except LL 6 WAP, LL 2 WAP and 4 WAP, which do not differ significantly. Heavy metal properties of the plant and the soil also varied significantly (P<0.05). Convincingly, the result affirms the phytoremediation capability of P. maximum.


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