The survival of any organisation in the midst of economic hardship and competitiveness is becoming a serious concern. One of the strategies organisations can adopt is to tap into the intrapreneurial potentials of their employees. The main objective of this study examines the strategic roles of employees intrapreneurial engagement and its implication for organisational survival. A descriptive research method (Structural Equation Model {AMOS 22}) was applied to analyse the two hundred and fifty-nine (259) copies of valid questionnaire completed by the respondents using stratified and simple random sampling techniques. However, the study indicated that fostering employees intrapreneurial engagement have positive significant implications on organisational survival. This suggests that employees empowerment, involvement, autonomy, relationships and reward system have significant effects on organisational survival. It is therefore recommended that organisations should challenge their employees by providing them with autonomy and the freedom to innovate and carve out spaces for them to take risks and experiment.