Life coaching is a key managerial behavior that organizations must promote to develop employees and achieve higher levels of productivity. Hence, the need to assess the effect of life coaching on employee productivity in creative industry in Lagos State, Nigeria. Purposive sampling was employed to select three companies in Lagos State for their production value which include Hi-Impact Television, Azusa Productions and GDH Designers Hub. The entire staff of the three companies were selected, in all 179 respondents were sampled. Descriptive, chi-squared and Z- test were employed for analyses. The result shows that 94.6% of the respondents were still in their productive years and that they still had more years to spend in their work places. Majority of the respondents (63.1%) are male and 76.6% of the employees were first degree holders. Before the life coaching intervention, 85.6% of the respondents were aware of a life coaching, 66.7% of the respondents set goals at work while after the coaching intervention, 94.6% set goals at work. The result shows that only coach competence has no significant effect on employee productivity while Coachee efficacy, coaching condition and other factors have significant effect on employee productivity. The result revealed that there is significant difference in the productivity of the experimental and control group in the study area. The study therefore recommends that Managers, Executives and Human Resource Personnel should focus more on providing life coaching programs to supplement training and development practices in their organizations to enhance productivity.