Despite the introduction of Entrepreneurship Education in Nigerian Universities system still the country experience low level of entrepreneurial intention and high unemployment among youth graduate. It is in view of these and quests for understanding of the causes underlying Entrepreneurial Intention formation, this study investigate the relationship between Entrepreneurship Education and Environmental support and how they interact with Innovativeness as well as Pro-activeness to form Entrepreneurial Intention. The study randomly selects 284 final year university students to serve as respondent in collecting the primary data. The study is anchored on Aldrich Howard (1990) Ecological Approach theory to understand the students’ awareness of Entrepreneurship Education, Environmental Support and Entrepreneurial Intention and how the relationship is mediated by Innovativeness and Pro-activeness. The study further employed the use of Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) with Partial Least Square (PLS) version 3, to analyze the data. The results showed that Innovativeness and Pro-activeness simplify how Entrepreneurship Education forms Entrepreneurial Intention. However the result revealed that Environmental support is not directly or indirectly through Innovativeness as well as Pro-activeness related to Entrepreneurial Intention. Based on these result the study recommended that other researchers should employ this proposition with other antecedent of entrepreneurial intention for further proof. The study is further recommend Educators and key members of the society including friends and family should encourage the advancement of an entrepreneurially helpful culture that permits cooperation and exchange of ideas.