This study aims to identify the problems faced by novice entrepreneurs in South Tangerang City - Indonesia. The research data was obtained through the distribution of questionnaires (primary data) randomly to novice entrepreneurs in the City of South Tangerang. Questionnaires were distributed using random techniques. The questionnaire was designed closed and the measurement scale 1-10. The selected sample was determined as many as 100 people. The research sample is a beginner entrepreneur in South Tangerang City with the criteria: the business is run no more than one year and is not included in the MSME criteria. The analysis technique uses Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) to find out the indicators or problems faced by novice entrepreneurs. Analysis tool using SmartPLS software. Problems faced by novice entrepreneurs in South Tangerang City consist of internal and external problems. Internal problems consist of HR (entrepreneurial motivation is unstable and has no experience), marketing (still done conventionally, no specific marketing costs), and capital/finance (still using own capital, not utilizing banking, and capital to run a limited business). While external factors consist of Government Policy (There is no capital assistance (in-kind) from the government directly, there is no technical assistance (such as training) from the government, there is no business assistance, and there is no policy in favor of business actors), Related Institutions (There is no technical and financial support/assistance from financial institutions / other parties, loan requirements are difficult to fulfill, loan collateral from banks is difficult to fulfill, there is no business assistance from banks/other parties).