This study examined the moderating role of innovativeness on the relationship between entrepreneurship education and students' entrepreneurial intention among FUD final year students as at 2017/2018 academic session. The study used a cross-sectional research design with a quantitative questionnaire approach to collect the data. To validate the model, data from 282 final year students were analyzed using the Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modelling (PLS-SEM). Overall, the survey discovered that both entrepreneurship education and innovativeness are significantly and positively connected to entrepreneurial intention. This report also discovered that innovativeness play a part in moderating the entrepreneurship education and entrepreneurial intention relationship. The study used Human Capital Theory HCT as a theoretical basis of the subject. This survey served as one of the pioneering study with regard to HCT in a testing relationship of this nature. This study recommended that other researchers should employ this hypothesis with other antecedent of entrepreneurial intention for further proof. As a repercussion to policy, the government ought to guarantee not only inspiring students with entrepreneurship education, but also the robust spirit of innovativeness among students as it delivers a direct effect as well as strong interaction with entrepreneurship education in influencing students' entrepreneurial intention.