In today’s knowledge era, knowledge management (KM) is increasingly considered the best strategy for improving the labor productivity of an enterprise. However, the effectiveness of KM on labor productivity (LP) is not known exactly. In comparison with other countries in the Southeast Asia region, the labor productivity of Vietnam is currently at a very low level. It requires a new management method for improving the labor productivity for sustainable development towards a knowledge society. Therefore, this research tries to apply KM to improve the labor productivity of Vietnamese enterprises, especially small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) because of its important role in developing the Vietnam economy. However, in order to successfully implement a knowledge management system (KMS), a technology readiness, especially information-communication-technology (ICT) maturity, is a requisite. Furthermore, a suitable technical platform is also necessary for integrating various technologies for KMS and supporting knowledge management processes. Recently, social network service (SNS) has been considered not only as a popular technique for communication and collaboration, but also as a suitable platform for implementing a KMS in the enterprise. Therefore, this research explores the possibility to apply SNS in implementing a KMS and adapting business processes for better labor productivity. The method of this research is an inductive method based on analysis results of various sources, such as: literature reviews, empirical studies, technological trend analysis, depth interview, etc. Based on analysis results, recommendations for Vietnamese businesses and government in improving labor productivity are suggested.
Keywords/Index Terms — Knowledge Management, KMS, Social Network Service, Labor Productivity, Vietnamese SME.