Decision making is an essential task that human undertake frequently. Decision is taken before actions. It may catalyze or preclude the success of an action depending on its rightness. Therefore, it is vital to the success of human endeavors. Naturally, making good decisions require personal wisdom or wisdom gotten from advice. Decision is often data driven because the facts on which the decision is based is usually generated from data. Genuine data generates correct facts. Computer is now being used to aid good decision. A computer assisted decision-making process is proposed in this work. The proposed method combined blockchain collaborative integrity verification consensus mechanism (CIVCM) and analytical hierarchy process (AHP) for thorough assessment of available alternatives to achieve a well-informed decision. This solution outperformed other solutions used for evaluating it by returning unambiguous results in the evaluation tests because of its working concept that avoids faults. The results shows that the solution is a better choice for high accuracy demanding applications.