In recent times, traditional herbal medicine found its way to modern medicine. It is used in many countries and common to all cultures due to its affordability. Hence, there is a need for the development of herbal database systems that contain the taxonomy hierarchy, structured knowledge of herbs that could be prescribe in a rapid and convenient fashion. This need serves as the major motivation for this work. In this paper, we proposed a mobile application for herbal medicine prescription on obstetrics and gynecology problems which provide patients with an opportunity to participate in and become knowledgeable of the whole prescription for the illness. The application was designed using android developing tools such as eclipse editor and SQLite as database engine. It was tested for usability and acceptability and the results were promising. This application can also be used as alternative therapy, to meet the needs of those who could not afford orthodox medicine or those who do not even believe in the use of orthodox medicine. The system is user-friendly enough for indigenous and those literate in English language only.