In this paper, a graphical user interface (GUI) for position and trajectory tracking of the ball and plate system (BPS) control scheme using the double feedback loop structure i.e. a loop within a loop is proposed. The inner and the outer loop was designed using linear algebraic method by solving a set of Diophantine equations and sensitivity function. The results were simulated in MATLAB 2018a, and the trajectory tracking was displayed on a GUI, which showed that the plate was able to be stabilized at a time of 0.3546 seconds, and also the ball settled at 1.7087 seconds, when a sinusoidal circular reference trajectory of radius 0.4m with an angular frequency of 1.57rad/sec was applied to the BPS, the trajectory tracking error was 0.0095m. This shows that the controllers possess the following properties for the BPS, which are; good adaptability, strong robustness and a high control performance.   Â