This research work presents a new approach for minimization of packet losses in Long Term Evolution (LTE) networks. A prominent design feature for vertical handover decision algorithm is to ensure seamless handover process between different wireless access technologies without compromising the Quality of Service (QoS) and Quality of Experience (QoE) of the users. There are scenarios in handover schemes, where due to poor handover process, frequent handover occur leading to packet losses and subsequent dissatisfaction of the users. A handover decision algorithm that incorporates the user’s changing speed into a proximity model prediction technique (PMPT) in order to minimize packet losses during handover process between macrocell and femtocell networks is presented in this paper. The developed algorithm is designed to make appropriate prediction based on the established communication link to either the macrocell or femtocell network as the User Vehicle (UV) speed changes. Results obtained using MATLAB R2015b shows that the developed vertical handover algorithm (DVHA) attained a 77.07% reduction in packet loss ratio over the existing vertical handover algorithm (EVHA).