Marital harmony among couples with and without visual impairment is fundamental since marriage is one of the essentialities in human existence. Thus, this paper therefore, focuses on the influence of socio-economic factors on marital harmony among couples with visual impairment using Osun state as a case study use to identify the relationship between the socio-economic factors and the marital harmony of couples with visual impairment as well as the joint contributions of the socio-economic factors to the marital harmony of couples with visual impairment and the relative contributions of the socio-economic factors to the marital harmony among couples with visual impairment. Sixty samples were purposively selected from the target population including the totally blind and the low vision drawn from Osun state. From the findings, it was revealed that socio-economic factors has a significant relationship with marital harmony among couples with visual impairment, also the joint contributions of socio-economic factors to marital harmony among couples with visual impairment was also significant and that the relative contributions of socio-economic factors to marital harmony among couples with visual impairment was also significant. The study therefore recommends that, couples should give room for peaceful co-existence in their home.