<p>The present study examined the preparation of chitosan-silver  nanocomposite films as carriers for silver release pattern. Chitosan a biopolymer  having immense structural possibilities for chemical and mechanical modifications  to generate novel properties, functions and applications. Chitosan–silver  nanocomposite films has been synthesised by reduction method, which is a simple  and inexpensive method. The chitosan-silver nanocomposite films was  characterized in terms of its surface plasmon resonance and crystalline structure by  using UV-Visible spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction, Fourier transform infrared and  Scanning electron microscope. Swelling and release studies were carried out on  crosslinked and un-crosslinked nanocomposite films. Antibacterial activities of  chitosan-silver nanocomposite films were investigated on some pathogens:  Staphylococcus aureus, Shigella dysenteriae, Escherichia coli, Salmonella typhii  and Klebsiella pneumonia using agar well diffusion method. crosslinked chitosan-silver nanocomposite demonstrated a slower release pattern relative to un-crosslinked chitosan-silver nanocomposite. The crosslinked and un-crosslinked  nanocomposite became dislodged and completely released at 120 minutes and 90  minutes respectively. The results of the antibacterial activities revealed that the  cross-linked chitosan-silver nanocomposite films has higher antibacterial  properties than un-crosslinked chitosan-silver nanocomposite films. This study  provides nanocomposite films potentially useful for delivery system.</p>