The foreign policy of nations is directed at harnessing and mobilizing their foreign policies towards economic development of the domestic structures. This study xrays the questions: What is the consistent behavioral pattern of the present Nigerian government in external relations for her economic development in the wake of the 2023 general elections? Is the weak capacity of the Nigerian leaders to mobilize and deploy productive forces towards the realization of the goals and objectives of Nigerian foreign policy implicated in the external dependence of the Nigeria’s economy? The study was anchored on system and complex interdependence theoretical frameworks while data (documentary sources) was generated and interpreted through content analysis and trends
analytical technique. By exploring historical contexts and contemporary issues, this study offers insights into how Nigeria can position itself as a leading player on the global stage while addressing the pressing domestic socio-economic challenges. Ultimately, the study
found that a proactive and coherent foreign policy framework based on creativity and indigenous technologies are essential for achieving sustainable economic development beyond the 2023 general elections. The study concluded that technological capability which creates new industrial and economic bases is underdeveloped in the pursuit of the country’s foreign policy and thus, make her leaders dependent on foreign aid while promoting the economic interest of the metropolitan bourgeoisie.