Guided by Frustration-Aggression Theory (FAT), this paper examined the menace of armed banditry and its implications on voter turnout at elections in Katsina State of North-Western Nigeria from 2015 to 2019. The paper utilized both primary and secondary methods of data collection. Primary method involves generating data via Structured Questionnaire (SQ) administered to target respondents selected through multi-stage sampling procedure. 400 respondents formed the sample size determined through Krejcie and Morgan (1970) statistical table for sample size determination Secondary method entails that data were generated from books, journals and webbased materials among others. Descriptive statistics was used to analyse data generated from the field survey. The research hypotheses were tested with the aid of non-parametric statistical tool known as the Chi-Square (X2) at 0.05 (5%) level of significance. Findings of the study showed that poverty and unemployment are the major factors responsible for the rising spate of armed banditry in the State. Findings also showed that armed banditry manifests mostly in the form of kidnapping/mass abduction of people for ransom. Further findings revealed that, armed banditry poses a threat to the security of lives and property of the people in the State, which in turn has negative implications on voter turnout at elections. Provisions of employment opportunities by the State government and other stakeholders as well as strengthening of the security architecture before, during and after elections are recommended as the way forward.