Water, energy and food are deeply connected and are fundamental to the sustainable development in all societies. This connection is recognized by the United Nation (UN), as part of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) adopted in 2015. Achieving this goal is a major concern to the global community. However, there is limited access to these three essential resources due to incessant growth in population and climate change. As a result, there are growing concerns regarding the future, these three elements and sustainable development. Advanced technology development in the era of artificial intelligence (AI) has proven to be the greatest panacea to the water-energy-food challenge. This paper examined the nexus between the water, energy, and food sectors; identifies the challenges facing them, and proposes legal regimes to promote the use of local technology (taking into consideration the low level of technology in Nigeria in the era of AI) and adequate regulation to ensure food, water, and energy security in Nigeria.