The paper examines Nigeria’s potential for labour exportation by assessing the performance of labour exportation in the Republic of Philippines. Imperatively, the trend of international labour migration presently influences the nature of international economic relations between developed and developing nations. Many developing nations have utilized their huge population base to accrue major financial and non-financial gains through labour exportation to developed climes. However, Nigerian is yet to borrow a leaf from nations like the Republic of Philippines that maximize remittances derived from exported labour to boost foreign exchange earnings. Utilizing the Historical research method and textual analysis of secondary data, the study explores the viability of Nigeria for labour exportation and examines the potential benefits of labour exportation for Nigeria by mirroring the performance of the same in the Republic of Philippines. The Pull-Push theory of international migration was adopted to explain the variables that inform decisions of developing countries to export citizens to developed nations. The study employs secondary data which was analyzed using textual analysis. The study concludes that the implementation of a labour migration policy in Nigeria increases Nigeria’s potential of joining the bandwagon of countries engaging in temporary labour exportation. Therefore, the study recommends among others that implementation of an effective labour migration policy and government protection of Nigerian migrant workers can eliminate the Nigeria’s impediments to engaging in labour exportation.