Education is the fundamental basis for the development of any nation. Education not only promotes development but also ensures that development attained can be sustained. Sadly, in most countries in Africa and even across the world girl-child education is still far behind, Nigeria today in international ratings ranks very low with about fourteen million children out of school and sixty percent of these children are girls as a result of many societal factors such as cultural beliefs, social norms and parental factors amongst others. Education is of vital importance to growth and development, people’s minds through informed thinking pave ways for developmental achievements in every area of human endeavour. For nations to fully access the benefits, of development there is no better way than through quality education. It is on this basis that the paper examines the relationship between girl-child education and national development and further identifies the benefits of educating the girl child and concludes that girl-child education is of utmost relevance and at the very core of national development.