Culture comprises the whole complex of distinctive spiritual, intellectual and
emotional features that characterize society, our thought about life, and our ideas. Culture shape
the way we see world, it has capacity to bring about the change of attitudes needed to ensure
peace and sustainable development which we know form the only possible way forward for life
on planet earth. This paper examined increasing in cultural dominance that one culture exerts
over another as a function of the relation of both overall efficiencies, in the sense that flood of
cultural elements pour from dominant culture on the dominated. Mass media was studied under
the three theories: the limited effect theory, class Dominant theory and Culturalist theory. Mass
media is found represents one of the most significant institutions, the powerful tool for
socialization as well as cultural domination. Domination here means holding superiority or
mastery in our strength and to suppress or overshadow us in dominance, recognition and
prestige. It involves the exercise of great influence in the society as well as political and
economic influence. The work suggests that, since communication is interwoven with every
aspect of life, the future of mass media must be considered of utmost importance in overall
social, cultural, moral, economic goals of the nation. To ensuring a bright future for our cultural
heritage, we need a revolutionary Nigeria mass media which can present and carry forward
revolutionary purpose of promoting our heritage.