This study focuses on evaluating users' preferences in the use stonework variants in selected resorts in Lagos, Nigeria. Stonework variants play a crucial role in the aesthetic appeal and architectural design of resorts, influencing visitors' experiences. The aim of this study is to assess the factors influencing users' preferences for stonework variants in resorts in Lagos, Nigeria where understanding these preferences can aid in enhancing the overall appeal and guests experience in these selected resorts. Some objectives of this study include investigating the use of stonework variants in selected resorts, identifying the key determinants that influence users' preferences, and exploring the potential benefits of incorporating sustainable stonework practices. The population size of this research consists of all resorts in Lagos State, Nigeria which are sixteen (16) in number, and the users of the resort where SPSS was used as the analytical tool. The study employs a mixed-method approach combining surveys and on-site observations to gather data on users’ perceptions and preferences regarding stonework variants. This methodology allows for a comprehensive analysis of the factors influencing user choices. The findings in this study reveals that resort users in Lagos, Nigeria, exhibit a preference for stonework variants that blend sustainability with aesthetic appeal. Also, this research contributes to the enhancement of resort design practices and the overall quality of guest experiences in the hospitality industry in Lagos, Nigeria. Based on the results, it is recommended that resorts in Lagos should consider incorporating sustainable stonework variants that align with users' preferences. Additionally, promoting awareness about the benefits of sustainable construction practices can further enhance user satisfaction and contribute to the overall sustainability of resorts.