Water bodies are of utmost importance to both humans and other living organisms, fulfilling various crucial roles. They not only contribute significantly to determining water availability but also serve as indicators for areas at risk of flooding and environmental changes. Satellite sensors have played a significant role in categorizing land use and identifying water bodies over the years. This study aim delineating water bodies in Rivers state, Nigeria. The Globalland cover dataset for Globalland 30 was downloaded from the National Geomatics Center of China (NGCC) and then mosaicked and masked to the study area in Rivers State using ArcGIS software. Water bodies were vectorized and delineated, and their size was estimated using QGIS software through the computation of area using unique value query QGIS tools. The analysis revealed that inland waters spanned an extensive area of 476,049,600 square meters, while Major Rivers covered a vast region of 558,684,000 square meters. It is advisable to use remote sensing land cover data, such as Globalland 30 data, for regular spatial-temporal mapping of water bodies. This will facilitate the delineation and monitoring of shoreline alterations and erosion within the inland water boundaries of Rivers State and Nigeria as a whole.