To achieve effective communication between displayed works and users in art museums and galleries, some environmental factors must be satisfied. Paramount among such factors is lighting. The provision of adequate lighting is a vital component for achieving effective and sustainable display areas in art museums and galleries. To assess the adequacy of lighting in the display areas, users’ opinion is central. This study evaluated users' satisfaction with lighting strategies in display areas of selected art museum and galleries in Nigeria, to identify areas for further improvements. The study adopted qualitative and quantitative research methods. Qualitative data was collected with the aid of an observation guide from one museum and two galleries, and content analysed. Whereas quantitative data was gathered with a closed-end structured questionnaire from 175 respondents across the three selected establishments and analysed with Statistical Product and Service Solutions software. The results were presented descriptively with the aid of tables, figures, and plates for better comprehension. The results showed that users were to a considerable extent satisfied with the lighting strategies employed which were predominantly artificial lighting which includes, fluorescent and incandescent lighting. The strategies employed are: down, up, front, side, and back-lighting, However, to enhance users’ satisfaction, the majority of the respondents suggested the use of daylighting strategies in the display areas where the exhibited works are not susceptible to light damage. The study recommended that while seeking to adopt lighting strategies that protect and preserve the value of artworks in display areas, architects should take into consideration the utmost importance of users’ visual comfort and well-being. Safe artificial and daylighting strategies should also be integrated right from the site planning to the lighting design and implementation stages.