Development control is a medium through which the land use is licensed for building and other purposes backed-up by planning laws and regulations. Despite the importance of development control measures in physical and environmental balancing, a series of factors still hinder its effectiveness. The paper examines the compliance with development regulations in Abeokuta-West Zonal Planning Area, Nigeria. Primary and secondary sources of data were used. A questionnaire and personal interview were both used. Multi-stage sampling method was adopted because the buildings in the planning area are numerous and spatially located. The planning area was divided into nine zones which were classified into three; from which Obada-Oko, Oke-Ata, and Bode-Olude areas were considerably selected. The number of buildings in the selected areas was 668 buildings, and 40% was used to select the sample for each area, the research then had a sample size of 267 buildings The selection of sample size was carried out systematically for the administration of questionnaires by the residents (building owners). The data collected were presented and analysed through the use of descriptive statistics. The findings indicated that 78.7% of the residents were aware of the existence of penalties for building without permission; 68.5% of the resident did not obtain a development permit, while 15.6% out of the 31.5% that obtained a development permit deviated from the approved building plan; and 58.3% of the residents were not satisfied with the procedures involved in obtaining development permit, because it is cumbersome and expensive. Regulatory measures were recommended for the improvement of development control practice in the study area. These include the provision of the framework as a guide for physical development; effective public awareness; and enlightenment programmes. Also, various socio-economic classes (high, medium, and low classes), especially the low-income earners, should be given considerate attention in the course of policy formulation and planning implementation.