Models in whatever form on Facilities Management (FM) driven business organizations are scanty in literature, and the available models are developed to depict the workings of few sections of facilities management, covering just few sectors of the Nigerian economy. Consequently, the researcher attempted to develop a conceptual model based on what is reasonably expected of the impact of facilities management principles on hotel organizations adopting FM holistically in South-Western Nigeria. The Conceptual model is validated based on the results emanating from a survey of fifty-seven hotels. Out of the fifty-seven questionnaires administered on hotel management, twenty-eight (49%) were retrieved while in respect of customers, six hundred and seventy-one questionnaires were administered from which three hundred and sixty (54%) were retrieved. Stratified sampling technique was adopted to select the samples while appropriate sample size was determined following the formula given by Kothari (1978). Data analysis was executed using descriptive statistics and Chi-Square (χ2). The validated heuristic model was derived and recommended as a template for hotel management operation where facilities management principles are employed.
Keywords: Facilities Management, Heuristic Model, Hotel Operation, Model Validation