The importance of facilities in the proper functioning of any building cannot be overemphasized. The demand for accommodation is the demand for all components and facilities that can enhance the desired satisfaction of the occupants. This study therefore, aims at examining the effects of facilities on residents‟ satisfaction in Osogbo focusing on Isale-Odo and Alekuwodo areas with a view to explaining the importance of adequate facilities in housing units. The study administered structured questionnaires on 250 residents from each of the selected areas using stratified random sampling. Data collected were analysed through frequency distribution and relative satisfaction index method to ascertain the extent by which residents are satisfied with the quantum and state of facilities provided within the residential neighbourhoods. The study found that residents in Alekuwodo are more satisfied with their environment based on the facilities provided but not so in Isale Osun. Total rehabilitation of areas with substandard housing and no facilities by the concerned government is among others recommended in order to improve and promote neighbourhood health and prospects
Key Words: housing, facilities, residents, satisfaction, Oshogbo