In developing countries, effective construction claim management practices can help project owners and contractors resolve claims easily. Existing studies have been centred on the nature, frequency, severity, causes, magnitude and the effects of claims in Nigeria but less has been done to holistically examine various construction claims management practices. This study examines the level of usage and effectiveness of existing claims management practices by gathering quantitative data from 323 respondents engaged in building projects construction. The collected data were analysed using the percentile, mean item and Kruskal-Wallis K-test. Among the three groups, owners mostly use the construction claims management process and framework. In total, 64% and 21% of the participants had used the claims management process and framework respectively. Furthermore, among the seven sub-processes, owners were most effective in the documentation whereas contractors and consultants were most effective in the use of identification and evaluation, respectively. An implication of these findings is that stakeholders are yet to embrace an innovative methodology, such as available frameworks, to improve the management and settlement of claims. As such, adequate sensitization of the stakeholders in the use of a framework can be implemented to eliminate the cost of litigation, which is often the result of disputed claims.