Of recent, the attention of most researchers is shifting towards the
optimization of building materials by using local contents; the use of indigenous
materials; and local industrial by-products unique and abundant in certain localities.
This study therefore explored ways in which lateritic soil could be utilised in hollow
sandcrete block production in Ota, Ogun State, Nigeria. Sandcrete blocks were made
with lateritic soil taken from different sources replacing the conventional fine
aggregate (local river sand) in steps of 10% up to 60%. Their compressive strengths
determined to check for conformity with standard sandcrete block as specified in the
Nigerian National Building Code (2006) with a view to determine the acceptable
percentage replacement. Soil tests were performed on the lateritic soil samples to
characterise the soils. Classification of the lateritic soil samples within Ota, revealed
that the lateritic soils are mostly sandy clay of high plasticity and may replace sand by
up to 20%, though an approximate linear decrease in strength with increasing sand
replacement with lateritic soil was observed. This percentage replacement can be
recommended to the block making industries within Ota with a view to encouraging
utilization, though it is encouraged to confirm the percentage before embarking on
mass block production.