Housing is one of those fundamental social conditions that determine not only
the quality of life and welfare of people but also that of places. It follows that where
homes are located, how well designed and built, and how well they are woven into the
environmental, social, cultural and economic fabric of communities are factors that, affect
both the present and future generations. To this end, the position of Nigeria in relation to
housing sustainability was examined through the self-administration of one hundred wellstructured questionnaires to the participants at the 2013 Conference/Annual General
Meeting of the Nigerian Institute of Building. Housing sustainability parameters such as
empowerment of poor communities, reform unsustainable policies and legislation that
constrain the provision of sustainable housing, consideration of women relationship with
housing, beneficial policies and legislation for the low income earners and availability of
mortgage instruments for the low income earners had mean scores of 1.54, 1.74, 1.89, 1.89
and 1.90 respectively. The implication of this is that Nigeria as a country has not shown
enough commitment in this direction. All stakeholders must therefore be alive to their
responsibilities so that the housing sustainability position of Nigeria could be improved
significantly in the nearest future.