Covenant Journal of Physical and Life Sciences: Announcements <p>Covenant Journal of Physical and Life Sciences shall be published biannually, online in an open-access theme which allows authors to retain the intellectual property rights to their published articles. Open journal system will be installed locally and locally controlled by the Covenant University Management. Editors will configure requirements, sections, review processes, etc. There will be online submission, management and indexing of all content, email notification and commenting ability for readers.</p> en-US Call for paper_ Covenant Journal of Health and Life Sciences (CJHL) Covenant Journal of Physical and Life Sciences 2023-01-17 Registration of Editors-in-Chief Covenant Journal of Physical and Life Sciences 2017-03-22 Hard copy prints Covenant Journal of Physical and Life Sciences 2017-03-22 All Published Papers Covenant Journal of Physical and Life Sciences 2017-03-22