The last decade has witnessed rapid growth in the introduction of information and communication technologies (ICTs) in distance learning. The Distance Learning Centre (DLC) of University of Ibadan, Nigeria has also improved its mode of service delivery in line with the global trend by including e-learning and e-materials. The Centre has embraced the use of various ICTs platforms in the form of Internet and other electronic materials in the delivery of most of its services to the students. This study therefore evaluates the preference, level of adoption and usage of these ICTs by the students. Simple random sampling technique was employed for administration of 100 copies of structured questionnaire to the students. The use of Internet ranked topmost among the ICTs platforms used by the students, although majority of the students are still faced with the challenge of inaccessibility and visit commercial cyber cafés to access Internet for their studies. About 47.9 percent of the students preferred hard copies of DLC course materials and 58.5 percent strongly disagree with the use of CD as DLC reading materials. Majority of the students also preferred to visit DLC office rather than obtaining information on its website. DLC therefore needs to embark on more awareness creation on the need for ICTs usage and strategy to increase adoption by its students.
Keywords: Distance Learning, ICT, Electronic materials, Internet, Technology adoption