The study was carried out to ascertain the effects of Lockdown (2021) in Nigeria’s drive for risk communication during a time of pandemic. Anchored on the health belief model, the researcher adopted the qualitative research method and deployed the Processual
Model developed by Song and Fergnani to content analyse the film’s narrative. It was found that the film makes significant efforts at
enlightening audiences within its diegetic and audiential universes on the symptoms and risks associated with being exposed to the
Holo virus, an archetype of the Covid-19. Findings further showed that while salient steps such as the tracing of contacts and
concomitant isolation were underscored, the causes of the virus as well other preventive measures such as the regular washing of hands and social distancing were downplayed. The blatant secrecy surrounding the actions of the policemen and their needless use of force are also considered major drawbacks in the film’s risk communication endeavour. Based on the findings, the researcher concludes that Lockdown makes an average attempt in its exploration of Nigeria’s risk communication during a time of pandemic and recommends, amongst others, that the Nigerian Government at all level should ensure that all aspects of a disease – causes, symptoms and preventive measures – are interpolated into every form of risk communication during a time of pandemic.