In this study, the calorific values of solid fuel samples and their blends in different proportions were determined. Waste samples as sawdust, charcoal, palm kernel bagasse, palm kernel shell, corn cob, palm fronds and coconut shell were subjected to combustion in an isothermal bomb calorimeter and their heating temperature profiles and corresponding heating values were estimated. Individual materials and different blending ratios in weight by weight (1:1, 1:1:1, 3:1:1, 1:3:1, and 1:1:3) heating contents were established. Burning time test was evaluated for blended materials with highest caloric values. Charcoal had the highest calorific value amongst all individual samples with a calorific value of 17,062 kJ/kg with palm fronds having the least heating value of 12,997 kJ/kg. In the 1:1 ratio mix, charcoal:palm oil bagasse had the highest heating content of 21,907 kJ/kg. Considering the ratios of three different solid mass in varying weight proportions, the combination of charcoal:coconut shell:palm oil bagasse (1:1:1) in equal weight percent gave the highest heating content of 23,373 kJ/kg. The blend of charcoal:coconut shell:palm kernel bagasse had the highest burning time of 20 minutes and 12 seconds. From the evaluations, charcoal in mixed proportions with other solid biomass are excellent materials to be considered for solid fuels production.