In achieving accelerated and sustaining economic growth and development in Nigeria, there is need for domestication of finished goods production through sustainable industrialization. Foundry technology is one of the vital bases for rapid industrial development of any nation. Samples of moulding sand at green state were collected from four different moulding sand deposits within Ado-Ekiti in Nigeria. The samples were prepared using ASTM and British standards, while the materials Physico-mechanical properties were evaluated using American Foundry Society (AFS) guidelines. The results obtained from the tests were compared with the AFSs satisfactory mould sand properties for various types of metal castings. The sand samples were found to meet the requirements for casting various metals of different types like Aluminum, brass and bronze, light and malleable iron, light and medium grey iron, except heavy steel. The presence of red oxide in the sands and the specimens higher compressive strength values show that the natural sands will be suitable for casting of non- ferrous metal of low temperature. Effective application of the sample sands in casting will also enhance industrialization, job creation and the nation self-reliance through reduction in importation of foundry sand and foundry products into the country.