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CJET: Vol.1 No. 1, June, 2017

An Exploratory Study of Techniques for Monitoring Oil Pipeline Vandalism

  • Kefas Yunana
  • Sunday Olumide Adewale
  • Abraham Ayegba Alfa
  • Misra Sanjay
August 31, 2017


Wireless Sensor Networks are crucial substructure made up of microcontroller, sensing units and communication interfaces designed to enable the users possess the capability to measure, collect and responds to phenomenon within the surrounding been monitored. WSN are viewed as an edge between the physical and the virtual world. More so, the demand of fluid transportation from the production point to the region of end users has led to an increase in the number of pipelines that are fabricated globally. Pipeline infrastructure is generally regarded by many countries as a key element for national development, therefore shielding and observing the pipeline is essential for a successful economy. The current techniques in pipeline monitoring and surveillance include visual inspection, the use of Unmanned Aircraft, Ground Penetrating Radar, Fibre Cabling Technology, and Wireless Sensor Networks. This paper presents the various techniques, strengths and weaknesses when deployed for continuous monitoring of oil pipeline infrastructure.