This paper presented the minimization of interference in a co-channel network environment. Co-channel interference is one of the leading forms of interference in communication systems. This form of interference is very alarming because it doesn’t just generate noise in the receiver but also causes heavy jamming by giving you other signals that weren’t desired. This research aims to reduce noise and separate identical channels from the primary or desired signals. Communication systems face too many problems, but co-channel interference is one of the major problems. The co-channel interference sends several pieces of information to the receiver because the channels share the same characteristics of signals, at that point noise will be generated and information jamming will occur. The method used in reducing the co-channeling noise is the digital low pass filter, the digital low pass filter in the desired receiver blocks the other frequencies coming to interfere with the desired signal and allows only the desired signal to make it through without any interference. The low pass filter is designed such as to see other interfering signals at a high frequency. The results of this research work show that the bit error rate is low due to the intervention of the filter, interference was reduced, and the noise was reduced from 130dB to 10 dB. The research work evaluated the behaviour of the co-channel interference and the bit error rate and determined the low pass filter response for noise reduction. The research also recommends further improvements in the improvement of bit error rate, improving noise reductions in the channels, and prevention.