Human beings depend on a lighting system in their indoor environment for visual tasks and to function appropriately. With daylight absent during the night, artificial lighting becomes the only lighting source for illuminance. This study evaluated the effect of lighting design fixtures on the artificial lighting illuminance adequacy of students’ private rooms. The illuminance level was measured using the Sunche model HS1010 digital luxmeter with a sampling frequency of 2 times per second and a high precision wide measurement range of 1 - 1200,000 lux at nine (9) grid points. Analysis of illuminance data obtained showed that the lamp capacities (5, 10, 50, 100, and 200 Watts) and the lighting fixtures array (single light point source (centred), double (opposite array) and quadruple (double opposite layout)) affect the adequacy of the indoor space illuminance. The wall paint colour (cream, pink and blue) did not affect the reflection ability of the illuminance as they were all emulsion paints. Analysis of the side effect of the lighting design fixtures showed that the lamp capacities, the lighting fixtures design, and the wall paint colour did not affect the thermal conditions of the indoor environment. Therefore, this study concluded that the higher the lamp capacities and the lighting fixtures array the better the nighttime artificial illuminance.